One of my favorite things to do is help people save money on their taxes. Being self-employed can be one of the most rewarding and challenging endeavors you take on in your life. Don't go it alone! I'm here to help. Whether you are just starting out in the gig economy and only recently realized you are self employed for tax purposes, or you are a seasoned professional in your industry looking to become your own boss, I can help you understand your tax filing requirements, help you plan ahead and charge what your worth, talk through what business entity or structure is right for you, and get you on the path to saving money and maximizing the benefits of being self-employed.
For a limited time, during my less busy off-season months of June - November, I'm offering business coaching sessions via zoom for only $150. This includes a half hour live session with me where I can answer any questions you may have, in addition to a half hour of research or other tax planning calculations to help you feel confident in your role as a business owner.
Book your session today and start making a list of your tax questions, big or small! I can't wait to meet with you and start saving you money!